Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Breaking News - White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer Resigns – LP 137

JUL 21 2017.
US politics news.
Breaking News - White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer Resigns.

On Friday, Sean Spicer resigned as press secretary of White House.

Sean Michael Spicer was born September 23, 1971. He is an American political aide who serves as White House Press Secretary and served as acting White House Communications Director under President Donald Trump in 2017. He was communications director of the Republican National Committee from 2011 to 2017, and its chief strategist from 2015 to 2017.

Many say that Sean Spicer's departure was pretty sudden, but that was quite predictable. When Anthony Scaramucci, a transitional official in Trump's campaign and longtime Wall Street sponsor, allegedly to be appointed White House Communications Director.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who was promoted to press secretary on Friday, read a statement from the president at the press conference.

Sean Spicer said that the appointment of Mr Scaramucci was a big mistake of President Trump. Sean Spicer had doubts about suspicious of Scaramucci's ability to do the job even though Scaramucci had previously succeeded in raising funds and often appeared on cable television to defend the candidate President Trump during Trump's bid for office.

More info about Anthony Scaramucci:
Anthony Scaramucci was born January 6, 1964. He is an American entrepreneur, financier, political figure, and author. On July 21, 2017, President Donald Trump appointed him the White House 
Communications Director.

Other info about Sarah Huckabee Sanders:
Sarah Elizabeth Huckabee Sanders was born August 13, 1982. She is an American political aide, currently serving as Deputy White House Press Secretary and designated to succeed Sean Spicer as White House Press Secretary.

She is the daughter of former governor of Arkansas and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, and former Arkansas first lady Janet Huckabee.On June 27, 2017, during a press briefing, Sanders attacked the media, accusing them of spreading fake news against Trump. Sanders immediately cited a video created by James O'Keefe.

On July 21, 2017, newly-appointed White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci announced that Sanders will take the role of White House Press Secretary.

More info about Sean Spicer :
On July 21, 2017, Spicer announced his intention to resign as White House Press Secretary. He made his decision known immediately after President Trump appointed financier Anthony Scaramucci as White House communications director.

According to the New York Times, Trump asked Spicer to stay on, but Spicer announced his resignation after telling the President he vehemently disagreed with the appointment of Scaramucci.

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