Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 12, 2017

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception - LP 305

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

December 8 is a special day for Filipino Catholics. It is on this day that the Universal Church observes the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, the patron saint of the Philippines.

As historically recorded, in 1854, the solemn declaration of Pope Pius IX, "Ineffabilis Deus," sharply elucidated the Church's longstanding belief that Mary was conceived free from original sin. She received the gift of salvation in Christ from the very moment of her conception.

Mary is unique in all humanity for being born without sin, She is held up by the Church as a model for all humanity in Her holiness. Churches throughout Philippines country dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of Mary celebrate today’s solemnity with special devotion.

Big churches like the Cathedral-Basilica of Manila, the Cathedral-Basilica of Malolos, or Puerto Princesa, Palawan, as well as parishes of the Immaculate Conception in Malabon, or the Shrine of Our Lady of Caysasay in Batangas ... are built in her honor.

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is a time to celebrate the great joy of God’s gift to humanity in Mary.

The Immaculate Virgin of 8 December was proclaimed by the Philippine bishops as a holy day of obligation alongside with December 25, Christmas Day, and January 1, the Solemnity of the Motherhood of Mary.

Other information about "The Feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates":
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates the solemn belief in the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is universally celebrated on December 8, nine months before the feast of the Nativity of Mary, which is celebrated on September 8. It is one of the most important Marian feasts in the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church, celebrated worldwide.

By Pontifical designation and decree, it is the patronal feast day of Argentina, Brazil, Korea, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Philippines, Spain, the United States and Uruguay. By royal decree, it is also designated by as the Patroness of Portugal. It is celebrated by the Roman Catholic Church as well as a few other closely related Protestant Christian churches.

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DECEMBER ,  2017.

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