Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 8, 2017

Trump said Pyongyang will face fire and fury when they threatens strike ...

August 9, 2017.
World news.
Trump said Pyongyang will face "fire and fury" when they threatens strike on Guam.

North Korea says it is considering carefully its plans to attack US territory after Donald Trump warned it would launch a fierce assault that prompted Pyongyang suffered and face fire and fury like the world has never seen, if this country does not stop threatening the United States.
President Trump's strong statement came after Pyongyang said America should not think that it is safe when live far from North Korea.

With medium and medium range ballistic missiles, the KCNA state news agency said North Korea's military will attack Guam fiercely. Guam is about 3,400 km from North Korea and is home to Andersen Air Base and Guam Naval Base.

Earlier, the United States had two B-1B planes flying around the Korean peninsula, rubbed Pyongyang's face. An Air Force pilot says the B-1B is a long-range bomber that fits in a sea battlefield and can meet the challenges of the Pacific.

According rocket scientist John Schilling, "North Korea seems possible to produce a ballistic missile that would allow them to accurately strike US Army base in Guam."

Pyongyang has constantly improved its missile technology, since leader Kim Jong-un stated in his message in early 2017 that the country is in the final stages of the ballistic missile technology development process. In July, North Korea tested two intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States.

Perhaps the tension on the Korean peninsula is now escalating ever stronger, North Korea seems to have produced miniature nuclear warhead.

The president Trump stressed that Washington would be wary of the North because the threat could come at any time. Kim Jong-un has threatened the United States to pay a "fair price" for the latest sanctions against Pyongyang.

However, according to experts, although the two countries repeatedly acted intimidating each other, but the risk of war is still very far away.

Expert Jiyong Song, a senior fellow at the University of Melbourne (Australia) who studies North Korea, says Kim will continue to test the missile in the near future. Only when the two sides negotiate publicly or secretly, the dispute ends.

On the other hand, expert Robert Kelly from Pusan ​​University (Korea) believes that the risk of US-Korean war is very low. The two countries in the past time like two children arguing in the common playground.

Kelly said: "North Korea is not foolish to attack the base on Guam Island because it will make Washington angry and retaliate intolerably. North Korea's nuclear weapons are for self defense purposes, not for attack. "

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