Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 9, 2017

Echoes about President Trump warns for North Korean - LP 208

Echoes about President Trump warns for North Korean.

U.S. President Donald Trump warned on Sep, 2017 that the United States will be forced to ''totally destroy'' North Korea unless Pyongyang backs down from its nuclear standoff.

President Trump told that Kim Jong-un is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. He have described North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as a ''rocket man'', too.

Trump also said that US forced to defend itself' during a speech to the UN general assembly in New York.

When Trump issued his sternest warning yet to North Korea loud murmurs filled the green-marbled U.N. General Assembly hall and quickly spread around the world.

Probably everything comes from North Korea's actions.
In early September, North Korea announced a successful test of a nuclear warhead designed to equip intercontinental missiles. In late August, North Korea conducted a ballistic missile test.

Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, when asked about President Trump's speech, he  stated that the US administration wanted to address the issue of "through diplomatic means."
US State Department spokesman Heather Nauert said the words of US President Donald Trump in his speech at the United Nations called for members to put pressure on North Korea.

Earlier, Russia and China proposed a declaration banning North Korea from nuclear testing and missile launches, while South Korea and the United States should refrain from conducting exercises in the region to stabilize the situation on the peninsula, But they think that Washington ignores this initiative.

US and Korean planes are making their way through the Korean peninsula. Two B-1B strategic bombers, as well as four F35B multi-role fighters, take off from airports in Japan, South Korea, and from the US Air Force base on Guam. The plane has thrown down areas near the border with North Korea for some simulated bombs.

North Korea has also stated that missiles firing at the American continent are "inevitable" because "evil president" Donald Trump has called the North Korean leader "Rocket Man", and tensions between the United States and North Korea over nuclear weapons and missile programs are extremely serious.

Everyone wanted a peaceful solution and it was time to remember that the United States and South Korea were still in a state of war with North Korea because the 1950-53 war ended in an armistice. It was not a peace treaty.

This Video clip source from: Lucy protopnail channel – Part : World News
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September 2017.

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