Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Discovery boldly goes where no Star Trek show has gone before - LP 207

Entertainment News.
Discovery boldly goes where no Star Trek show has gone before.

We can say that with Star Trek everybody feels a universe away from The Original Series, shaped using harsher lines, with a heavy, imposing set design. May be there’s never been a Star Trek show entirely like Star Trek: Discovery.

It's been more than 10 years since Star Trek: The Enterprise left the airwaves, and the Star Trek program to survive on today's Trek will also have to change.

What a joy for the fans when Discovery is doing this, both as legends of Star Trek and as a new television show. Discovery has taken advantage of the fact that the recent action-packed theatrical summer Star Trek blockbusters have sorely lacked.

So in this early stage, at least, Discovery is surprisingly satisfying, requirements need to be met in general.

Star Trek: Discovery delivers on that, perhaps even to its own detriment. There is a structure to the episodes but they don't commence with that classic shot.

In fact CBS aired the first two episodes of Discovery on Sunday night. the two episodes are more or less just an extended pilot that’s been cut in two. These two episodes serve as an introduction to the world of Discovery, and Sonequa Martin-Green’s Michael Burnham. The casting is nothing short of stunning.

Burnham is not like any of the main characters we've met in Star Trek so far. She’s a far more rounded, and has a great personality worth cherishing. Star Trek has plumbed the “main character has demons” well in the past. Now, viewers will feel that Burnham is more convincing than not a perfect human in other respects.

Much of the initial action is driven by Yeoh's Georgiou, Martin-Green's Commander Burnham and Chris Obi as the self-styled Klingon saviour T'Kuvma, who hopes to unite the Empire's 24 warring houses. Notable guest appearance: James Frain as Spock's father ( and Michael's adopted father) Sarek.

Star Trek is nothing if not derivative. The confrontation-at-the-edge-of-the-Federation which leads into the second hour, titled Battle at the Binary Star, echoes loudly of the dramatic debut of the Romulans at the end of The Next Generation's first season.

Klingon's costumes are elegant, unlike anything seen on the previous Trek series. Discovery's Klingon is also very religious, apparently worshiping the Kahless the Unforgettable, the first Klingon king to unite this species, and the founder of the Klingon Empire.

The viewing a fan asked a big question is this, or in the story of Star Trek greater than?

The longform storytelling pitches straight to that audience, who home-brewed an aspect of the show that wasn't constrained by structure.  The series should also pitch broadly, borrowing as much from the science fiction storytelling of Ridley Scott's Blade Runner and Alien than the vast classic Star Trek canon which comes before it.

It’s too early to say whether Discovery will be able to keep this momentum going, or whether it’ll fall into the same traps as other Trek shows.

A common perception that Discovery is surprisingly satisfying!

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September 2017.

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