Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 9, 2019

What does MSDSs in the nail salon industry mean - LP 416

What does MSDSs in the nail salon industry mean - LP 416
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What does MSDSs in the nail salon industry mean.
MSDSs stands for Material Safety Data Sheets. OSHA requires product manufacturers to provide salon owners
with material safety data sheets (MSDSs) for the products they
buy that contain hazardous chemicals.
Generally, MSDS must provide the following information information:
1. Hazardous ingredients in the product.
2. How you can be exposed to the ingredients.
3. The risks to health and safety you face when using the product.
4. Steps to use and store the product safely, including what to do in an emergency.

OSHA has recently updated its requirements on a safety data sheet. The "Material Safety Data Sheet" (MSDS) is now called the "Safety Data Sheet" (SDS). SDS will generally list the same information as MSDS, but all information will be presented in a format common to products.

SEP 2019

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