Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 8, 2018

Hot news - Sea creatures giant are the most amazing in the world - LP 376

Sea creatures giant are the most amazing in the world - LP 376
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Giant sea creatures drifted into the beaches of the world or appear somewhere on Earth that shocked everyone. There are probably still many secrets that humans have not been able to discover, especially about the world of animals beings on Earth.

Watch the news and pictures, along with the content listed in this video about the great sea creatures that have appeared in the world, to give us the most comprehensive view of them.

1. Giant sea monster in Antarctic:
In 2007, a Japanese scientist shared a monster from his own eyes. It is white, its body length is 30m, it is like a fish but has two arms like human.
The Japanese call it Ningen. Many people predict that Ningen is a monster believed to have existed in the same time as the mammoth. It has overcome the harshness of nature and human hands so that it can survive until today.
2. Giant monsters have many feathers drifted into beache of the Philippines.
(May 2018)
4. Mysterious giant monsters drifted to the African coast.
The mysterious creature, about six meters long, was discovered drifting to the beach in Dorob National Park, Namibia.
Scientists can not determine its origins, because it looks like both whales and dolphins, but severe decomposition makes it difficult for scientists to determine the origin of creature.
Some experts speculate that it could be Cuvier whale.
5. The mysterious monster drifted to the British shores.
Beth Jannetta, 41, and a pet dog walking on Rhossili Beach in Gower, Wales, unexpectedly discovered a mysterious creature of about 1.5 meters in length on the beach.
Biologist Dan Forman said that when you look at the strange creature for the first time, you may think it is a crocodile, but it is not exactly accurate. There is a bulge on the skull, a prominent feature of marine mammals.
7. Giant sea monsters and the Zuiyo-maru meet in 1977.
To this day, scientists and historians have not yet been able to identify the gigantic sea monster that the Japanese ship Zuiyo-maru encountered in 1977. What is the animal?
AUGUST 2018 

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